We are pleased to announce the One-day Conference Emotional Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities for Education and Work that will take place in Porto, Portugal, on 7th June, at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of University of Porto (FPCEUP) and at the Porto Executive Academy (PEA).

The pre-conference workshops (on Thursday 6th June) at FPCEUP, for researchers and practitioners, will provide professional training certificates from the International Society for Emotional Intelligence (ISEI).

This one-day conference, involving national and international academics and experts, aims to discuss and explore some of the challenges and opportunities of two fundamental intelligences, emotional intelligence (EI) and artificial intelligence (AI), and their implications for education and work.

To this end, it will offer a scientific program discussing EI and AI challenges, opportunities, and implications to Education and Work through two keynotes of academics of the ISEI, and two round-tables with Portuguese experts on Education and Work.




Workshop 1 | ISEI level 1 certification workshop: Emotional Intelligence Foundations

1- Review the history, development, and models of EI
2- Learn and practice the four major EI abilities (recognition; facilitation; understanding & knowledge of emotions)
3- Engage in experiential learning activities to develop awareness
4- Consider applications to professional work (in education, business, etc)

Facilitator: John Pellitteri, Queens College, City University of New York, USA
N.º of hours: 6 hours
Date: 6 June 2024
Language: English


The ISEI Level 1 Certification Workshop program is a one-day (6 hours) training course that leads to official certification as a Level 1 EI professional. The workshop will provide participants with expert training in empirically based knowledge and skills of emotional intelligence. Participants develop their own emotional intelligence as part of the experiential training process that focuses on depth into the 4 abilities areas of EI (perception, facilitation, knowledge, and regulation of emotions). The workshop is applicable for psychologists, teachers, counselors, therapists, physicians, consultants, administrators, managers, organizational specialists, and other professionals who wish to enhance their professional work through the application of EI principles and strategies. The level 1 certificate provides a foundation in EI and enables participants to apply EI interventions in their respective disciplines.

The one-day training includes two parts:
Part 1. History, development, and current issues of EI
This class will provide an overview and address current issues in EI. It will review the history and evolution of the concepts and present the major models (abilities, traits & competencies). Current challenges with conceptualization and measurement will be reviewed.

Part 2. Developing EI abilities
This experiential lab class is designed to explore each of the four areas of the abilities model of EI. Participants will engage in experiential activities aimed to teach and to develop (a) emotional perception (b) emotional facilitation of thinking (c) emotional knowledge and (d) regulation of emotions. Development of these abilities will serve as a foundation for personal growth as well as for implementing EI strategies in professional settings.

Workshop 2 | Emotional Intelligence for Health Professionals

Facilitator: Chris Skinner, Notre Dame University, Perth, Australia
N.º of hours: 3.5 hours
Date: 6 June 2024
Language: English


1. Enhance Emotional Awareness and Vocabulary: (Using Perceiving Emotions)

  • Objective: Increase skill in recognizing and articulating emotions accurately in themselves and others. Involves improving emotional sensitivity and awareness, essential for effective communication and empathy in healthcare environments.

2. Apply Emotional Intelligence in Health-related interactions (Using Emotions)

  • Objective: Learn to use emotions to facilitate thinking and problem solving in complex health interactions, focusing on how emotional information can guide decision-making and creative thinking in patient care, team dynamics and conflict resolution.

3. Develop Strategies for Managing Emotions (Managing Emotions)

  • Objective: Equip with strategies for effectively managing own emotions and positively influencing the emotions of others. Includes emotional regulation techniques and approaches to maintaining well-being and developing supportive healthcare work environment.

4. Create Personal and Professional Emotional Intelligence Development Plans (Understanding Emotions)

  • Objective: Encourage to deepen understanding of how emotions evolve over time and how they can influence thoughts and actions. Formulating personal and professional development plans to enhance EI, through improving communication, empathy, and leadership development.

The workshop objectives are aligned with the four dimensions of the Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence. Participants can gain a comprehensive and structured understanding of how to enhance their EI skills systematically, pertinent to health work contexts.

Understanding Emotional Intelligence
EI Tools and Health Applications
Integrative Application and Planning
Developing Personal EI Action Plans
Reflection and Closure

Workshop 3 | Research on Emotional Intelligence for the last three decades in Croatia

Facilitator: Vladimir TaksicUniversity of Rijeka, Croatia
N.º of hours: 3 hours
Date: 6 June 2024
Language: English


To present and discuss our experience in the research of EI during the last 30 years in Croatia.


The full program of the congress can be downloaded at the following link.


Keynote 1 – Emotional Intelligence in Education in the age of Artificial Intelligence
1. To explore the benefits and challenges of AI in education.
2. To examine how EI becomes more essential in light of the challenges posed by AI.
3. To consider how AI might benefit the development of EI.
John Pellitteri – Queens College, City University of New York, USA
Ph.D. is the co-founder and past president of the International Society for Emotional Intelligence (ISEI).  He is a professor and department chair at Queens College-City University of New York teaching school and mental health counselors. John has published several research studies /scholarly papers and is the author /co-editor of three books on EI as it relates to adaptive personality, education, counseling, and creative arts. He has made presentations and certification workshops in numerous countries, is certified as a MSCEIT trainer, and has licenses as a creative arts therapist and psychologist.

Keynote 2 - Harmonizing Hearts and Minds at Work: Leveraging Emotional and Artificial Intelligence for a Thriving Future

Keynote 2 – Harmonizing Hearts and Minds at Work: Leveraging Emotional and Artificial Intelligence for a Thriving Future
1. Understand the Fundamentals: To grasp the core principles of emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence, and their evolving roles in personal and professional development.
2. Explore Integration Strategies: To identify effective strategies for integrating EI and AI in the workplace to enhance decision-making, innovation, and interpersonal relationships.
3. Enhance Personal Development: To learn how AI-driven tools can be leveraged alongside EI practices to foster self-awareness, self-regulation, and personal growth among individuals.
4. Boost Organisational Growth: To examine case studies and current practices where the interplay between EI and AI has led to improved team dynamics, leadership effectiveness and overall organisational health.
5. Prepare for the Future: to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the future work where emotional and artificial intelligence become drivers of success and well-being.
Chris Skinner – Notre Dame University, Perth, Australia
Associate Professor at Notre Dame University’s Medical School excels in developing personal and professional programs with a rich background in education, clinical psychology, health management, and organizational behaviour. Holding respected positions such as Fellow of AMEE, Regional Director (Australia) for ISEI, and future President Elect, along with chairing EISA, his work emphasizes the intersection of emotional intelligence with health leadership and workplace adaptation. Internationally recognized, Chris has led seminars and workshops across various global locations including Canada, Malaysia, and the UK, showcasing his commitment to enhancing emotional intelligence and leadership in health sectors.


Roundtable 1 – Challenges and Opportunities for Education

Pedro Cunha – Secretário de Estado da Educação
He developed his studies in Cognitive and Educational Psychology, having dedicated the last 25 years to interventions focused on development and learning in educational contexts. He has worked in schools and municipalities and was Programme Director at the Aga Khan Foundation and at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He was Deputy Director-General of Education between 2010 and 2017 and Director-General of Education between 2023 and 2024. He is currently Secretary of State for Education of the XXIV Constitutional Government of Portugal.


Miguel Oliveira – Departamento de Medicina da Comunidade, Informação e Decisão em Saúde da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto.
Specialist Psychologist in Educational Psychology and Work, Social and Organizational Psychology, Member of the National Board of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists (OPP), Coordinator of the OPP Cybersecurity Team and Coordinator of the Application for Ethical Decision-Making Training in Virtual Reality at OPP, PhD student in Health Data Science at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.


Catarina Grande – Professora Auxiliar da FPCEUP
Ph.D. in Psychology, she is an assistant professor of pre/graduate studies at FPCEUP and an integrated member of the Center for Psychology of the University of Porto. The main research interests are preschool children with typical/atypical development. She has participated in different research projects on early intervention in childhood and pre-school education and more recently in projects related to citizenship, social inclusion, and digital skills. She has developed training courses and workshops for early intervention professionals, but also for parents of children with disabilities. Her publications are in inclusive education, early intervention, and pediatrics health.


Moderadora: Luísa Faria – Professora Catedrática da FPCEUP
Full Professor at the Department of Psychology and director of the FPCEUP between 2018 and 2022, she has developed, for more than three decades, international research and publications in the fields of motivation, school success and emotional intelligence in educational contexts. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the International Society for Emotional Intelligence (ISEI), having organized, in 2017, the 6th International Congress on Emotional Intelligence (6th ICEI) at FPCEUP.


Round Table 2 – Challenges and Opportunities for Work

Luis de Matos – CEO and Chairman Follow Inspiration
Born in Covilhã – Portugal, the son of a factory worker and a construction ironworker, and grandson of pastors, graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Beira Interior. In 2012, he founded Follow Inspiration, a technological startup based in Fundão, where he developed the wiiGO project, the first completely autonomous shopping cart to assist people with reduced mobility. He is a pioneer in developing autonomous solutions, revolutionizing the way robots move among people and within factories. He holds several patents registered in the USA, Japan, Canada, and Europe. He is also involved in civic and political activities, serving as a member of the IPDAL board and advising the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. He contributed to drafting political programs and completed training at Nova Business School.


Liliana Antão – Data Scientist @ DEUS: human(ity)-centered AI and PhD Student @ FEUP
Data Scientist with a strong background in engineering and research, with a focus on AI and machine learning applications. Liliana is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), where she investigates how AI can be applied to human-robot collaboration. In her current role as Data Scientist at DEUS.ai Liliana is involved in several projects ranging from Natural Language Processing to AI model monitoring, where she is dedicated to leveraging her expertise to drive innovation and positive change in AI.


Fernando Torre – Professor, Consultor e Coach Executivo
Graduated in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of Porto (FEP) and Master in Business Management from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), I completed in July 2019 the curricular year of the Ph.D. in Business Sciences at the Universidade Portucalense (UPT), where I research the importance of soft skills in management. Post-graduated in Taxation by the Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão and in Business Management by the Porto Business School (PBS), I hold certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Coaching, and Emotional Intelligence. With extensive experience as an Administrator and consultant, I have been a lecturer and Executive Coach since 2010, with over 1,000 hours of practice.


Moderadora: Florbela Silva – Professora, Consultora e Fundadora do Estúdio da Alma
Founder of Estúdio da Alma, National Coordinator of ISEI – International Society for Emotional Intelligence in Portugal, and Guest Professor at the Porto Executive Academy for Emotional Intelligence certification. A Systems and Informatics Engineer, she worked for 20 years in the corporate world in the Retail consulting sector for companies both inside and outside Portugal. In 2014, she transitioned to the study and research of Mindfulness and emotional intelligence application in professional environments, empowering companies, and individuals to achieve a successful and balanced life.



Local Organizing Committee
Luísa Faria, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto
Communication Office, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto
Florbela Silva, Porto Executive Academy
Communication Office, Porto Executive Academy

Scientific Committee
Luísa Faria, University of Porto, Portugal
Florbela Silva, EI consultant, Porto, Portugal
Vladimir Taksic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Pablo Fernandez-Berrocal, University of Malaga, Spain
Isabel Maria Mikulic, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tabassum Rashid, Al-Akhwayan University, Morocco
Chris Skinner, Notre Dame University, Perth, Australia
John Pellitteri, Queens College, City University of New York, USA
Jochen Menges, University of Zurich, Switzerland & University of Cambridge, England
Antonella D’Amico, University of Palermo, Italy
Richard Roberts, Center for Innovative Assessments, USA
Cimenna Chao Rebolledo, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, Mexico

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