Mindfulness for the Workplace
Bring Mindfulness to your company
Furthermore, they promote better collaborations and interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
Our programs incorporate Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Neurolinguistic Programming, Neuroscience and Positive Psychology.
- better decision making
- better concentration and focus
- better team relationships
- greater inner calm
- reduced stress
- increased productivity
- increased overall satisfaction.
+ Focus
+ Creativity
+ Self-esteem
- Stress
Our programs

Mindfulness for Companies
Program to increase focus, creativity, innovation and better relationships between workers.

Search Inside Yourself
Developed by Google by neuroscience, leadership and psychology experts, it gives the tools for better leadership practices.

Seeds of Mindfulness
Discover and learn Mindfulness techniques that will have a positive impact in your life: higher focus, higher presence, higher conscience.

Mindful Coaching
Acompany workers and help them maintain their performance level on a day-to-day basis.

Mindful Gym
Train the mind and promote and implement Mindfulness habits in day-to-day life.
These sessions are not sequencial, and can be joined whenever the opportunity arises.
If you want to know more about our Mindfulness programs or schedule one, you can reach us through this form, or the contacts bellow:
Tlf: (+351) 223 262 795
Tel: (+351) 915 127 050
Address: Foz Business Center, Rua de Diu, 414, 4150-272 Foz do Douro, Porto