
Search Inside Yourself

Born at Google and based on Neuroscience

Search Inside Yourself is a program developed at Google by experts in neuroscience, leadership and psychology, with the goal of teaching practical tools to make the best of us stand out.

Estúdio da Alma‘s Florbela Silva is one of the credencial teachers for the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, qualified to train people in this program.

30+ countries

100+ cities


The Search Inside Yourself program has verifiable results that show a great improvement in stress reduction, focus increase, higher performance and better interpersonal relationships.

You can see some of the differences between pre-program and post-program perceptions below:


% experienced emotional drain

  • pre-program 58% 58%
  • post-program 24% 24%


% reported greater ability to focus

  • pre-program 36% 36%
  • post-program 68% 68%


% able to remain calm during challenge

  • pre-program 17% 17%
  • post-program 46% 46%


% able notice distraction and return to focus

  • pre-program 39% 39%
  • post-program 65% 65%

“Emotional intelligence is one of the best predictors of success at work and fulfillment in life.”

Chade-Meng Tan, in Search Inside Yourself


If you want to know more about our Mindfulness programs or schedule one, you can reach us through this form, or the contacts bellow:

Tlf: (+351) 223 262 795
Tel: (+351) 915 127 050

Address: Foz Business Center, Rua de Diu, 414, 4150-272 Foz do Douro, Porto

9 + 5 =

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